Samsung Galaxy S. Is it really that good?

Samsung Galaxy S
Samsung Galaxy S


If you want my 2 cents worth the my answer is Yes it is. 

So I hear yourself asking; what is the value of your 2 cents?  Is your two cents equivalent to US$0.02 or is it more like HK$0.02?  Well I’m from Australia and based on the current value of the AU$ my two cents is worth more than the US$. 

The fact of the matter is this is my very first smart phone so I don’t have a lot of experience using these types of devices.  The good news is, if you think my opinion is worth anything its that I have been in the computer industry for over 22 years.  Wow, that makes me sound old. 

Anyhow getting back on track, even thought I have not had much experience with smart phones I have spent many years wanting a smart phone and researching the best of the best and came to the conclusion that an android based phone would ultimately provide the best operating system, freedom and applications. 

I believe if you select any Android type of phone you will not be sorry, however I believe the Samsung Galaxy S is best for business, private and entertainment use. 

Let me share with you what I have found with the Samsung Galaxy S. 

Android 2.2 has not been released as yet for the Samsung and I am eagerly awaiting its release.  I have heard many great things  about 2.2 and I expect my phone to be so much better. 

Currently I am running Android 2.1 and have found: 

  • Exchange ActiveSync does not work effectively with the inbuilt applications.  It stops synchronising and a removal and reinstall of the configuration seems to fix the problem.  Syncing will last about three to five days before playing up.  I have since moved to a paid application which has a 15 day trial.  I am currently into my 4th day and so far everything is great.  The product I am using is called RoadSync.
  • Battery Life: I have found the battery life is very poor if you are constantly using the device.  I find if you are continually playing games or using the screen in any way this really chews through the battery life.  I’m probably using the phone much more than usual as this is my first smart phone so I am doing a lot of playing.
  • Heat: As I’m using the phone a lot I find that when I put the phone in my pocket I can feel the heat of the phone on my leg and it is very noticeable.  It’s actually quite warm and warmer than one would expect, and this is just after 15 minutes of usage.

Other than the battery life and more so the ActiveSync problem the phone is perfect.  I have not gone into any great detail about all the features and functions as that would take weeks. 

I have spent a lot of time in the Android Market and there are so many useful free and paid applications, you can not go wrong with Android. All of my applictions with the exception of the RoadSync which I’m hoping Android 2.2 fixes, are free.

My favourite feature is the Mobile AP Setting.  Enabling this feature allows one to share your mobiles carrier Internet access to three other devices.  It works so well and is so easy to use.

 I know this is not a comprehensive feature guide but is just an insight into the Samsung Galaxy S.

I purchased this phone because:

  1. Runs Android
  2. Bright and large screen
  3. Competitively priced
  4. Runs smoothly
  5. Very light in weight
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