3 Days, Over 51 KM hiked, in excess of 4600 calories or 20,000 kilojoules burnt and 1.7 kg (3.7 pounds) lost. I managed to complete the trek from Katoomba to the Jenolan Caves, camping in overnight temperatures of 2 degrees Celsius (35 degrees Fahrenheit). The days were nice at about 12 degrees Celsius (53 degrees Fahrenheit). Early morning and late afternoon I found myself hiking in long pants and a jumper as it got a bit chilly for my liking.
During our walk the first and second days we saw no one on the track and was very quiet. Upon arrival of the first camping ground there was quite a number of campers. I believe this was because the camping ground had road access. There were toilets and rain water available at this camping ground.
On the completion of the second day we met up with another couple who was hiking the track. They were the only one at the second camping ground. We did not see them again until the end of the track at the Jenolan Caves where we were waiting for the buss.
Day 1
We walked from the Katoomba train station to the start of the 6 Foot Track, which is about a bit shy of 3 kilometres (1.86 miles).
The actual track starts at the top of the Blue Mountains. The first immediate section is all straight down, which is hard on the knees. The rest of the day is mostly flat with the usual up and downs of trekking but nothing too harsh.
Day 2
Day 2 is the opposite of day 1. The second day the first section is all up hill with the last few kilometres reasonably flat. On this day you spend all of the time on an unsealed road from the first nights camp ground to the next. You are still in the wildness so there is always something nice to see.
The camping ground has toilets and rain water with a table and chair under shelter. The grounds are open and clear with a nice coverage of grass.
Day 3
Day 3 was a short day only taking about 4 hours to get to our destination. This gave us plenty of time to rest and recuperate before we took the buss back to Katoomba. This would allow anyone enough time to take a tour thought the Jenolan Caves.
The track crosses a main road soon after leaving the camping ground and it then weaves pretty much along side the road for the first half. The track then leave the side of the road in which you then find yourself descending down towards the caves. This takes you about an hour of descending. the path at this time during the descent was pretty rocky.