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A BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) communications protocol for file sharing. There are 2 parts to a BitTorrent. The first been the torrent tracker and the second been the torrent client application.

The Tracker is simply that. It tracks what client applications are sharing what file. The client then connects to the tracker to find out where it has to connect to retrieve the required file. The tracker is the only thing that is consistent as clients can stop sharing files or start sharing different files.

There are multiple trackers on the internet. You will need to choose what tracker to use. You can use multiple trackers. Usually the selection is already made for you. When you select a BitTorrent to download the torrent file will have an embedded tracker to connect to.

Naming Standards

There is no official way of naming a torrent file that I could find but there is an acceptable naming convention that seems to be used. As torrent files can comprise of anything, I will use TV shows and Movies as an example. Both use the same naming standard.

Torrents are named as follows.

  TV Shows:
  Movies:   movie.title.year.Ripsource.AudioCodec.VideoCodec