Asterisk for Raspberry Pi Image

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I have installed vanilla Asterisk onto a Raspberry Pi and have created an image for all to use. The Asterisk install is not a bundalled install like raspbx which uses FreePBX. Asterisk is configured with all deafults straight from a new build/compile.

Download Images

I would recommend Win32DiskImager for Windows to wite the image to the SD card.

Raspbian Images


Run raspi-config and change the following settings.

  • Expand filesystem
  • Change User Password
  • Internationalisation Options
    • Locale
    • Timezone

IP Address Information

Static Address
 IP Address :
       Mask :
    Gateway :

Login Creditentals

   username : pi
   password : raspbian


            OS : Raspbian
        Apache : Installed
         mysql : Installed
      Asterisk : Installed (version depandant on image)
   CDR Logging : Enabled
      sendmail : Installed
mime-construct : Installed
    CDR Search : aCDR --> http://hostname/cdr 
      fax2mail : Installed --> /usr/sbin/fax2mail

ArchLinux Images

Expand Partition

As everyone will have a different SD card size you will need to adjust the partition of the system to fully utilise you card.

Now that the device has booted log on and change the default partition from 2 GB to the maximum partition of your SD card.

fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
d (delete)
2 (partition 2)
n (new)
p (primary partition)
2 (partition 2 as previously deleted)
enter (accept default start sector)
enter (accept default end sector)
w (write changes)


Once the rPi has rebooted

resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2

IP Address Information

Static Address
 IP Address :
       Mask :
    Gateway :

Login Creditentals

   username : root
   password : root


            OS : Arch Linux
        Apache : Installed
         mysql : Installed
      Asterisk : Installed (version depandant on image)
   CDR Logging : Enabled
      sendmail : Installed
mime-construct : Installed
    CDR Search : aCDR --> http://hostname/cdr 
      fax2mail : Installed --> /usr/sbin/fax2mail