iSymphony, an easy-to-use, Java-based client/server software for managing phone calls via the Open Source Asterisk platform. Since iSymphony works with Asterisk it is agnostic to Asterisk distributions and other commercial products based on its acrhitecture.
Install Java
If Java is not already installed you will need to go to the Java WEB site and download the version you require.
Once you have the file do the following.
chmod +x jre-6u11-linux-i586-rpm.bin ./jre-6u11-linux-i586-rpm.bin
Download iSymphony
Check for the latest version of iSymphony
rpm -Uvh iSymphonyServer-2.0_1104-1.noarch.rpm /opt/isymphony/server/
Check the [general] section and make sure that the manager is enabled.
enabled = yes
Create a new useranme and password for manager. The example below will create a username of manager with a password of password. Copy the contents below to to the end of the file.
[manager] secret = password deny= permit= permit= read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
Edit /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and add the following line.
You can add it pretty much anywhere but if you look closley you will see a section at the end of the [general] section which allows you to enter addational files.
#include /opt/isymphony/server/isymphony.conf
Module Reload
Now that the manager.conf file has been changed the configursation has to be reloaded into Asteirsk.
reload manager
So that Asterisk sees the new file that we just addedd /opt/isymphony/server/isymphony.conf you need to reload the pbx_config module.
Strarting iSymphony
From CLI
/opt/isymphony/server/ start
Automatic Startup
Add the following line to the end of the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local
/opt/isymphony/server/ start
NOTE to SELF: The file /opt/isymphony/server/isymphony.conf uses extension _. which is strongly discouraged. Look at changing the extensions withing the file to _X.
Client Install
Go to the Download Page and select the appropriate client and install.
The default login details are:
username admin password secret
Setup Administration
Once the client is installed, launch the client and select Setup administration manager connection.