Siren7 and siren14 for Asterisk
From KlavoWiki
There are a couple of steps to installing the siren codec for Asterisk.
siren 7
The first thing you need to do is to download the benchmark binary for your platform and then execture. this will tell you which module you will need to download.
For my instalaltion it recommended barcelona.
wget tar xvzf codec_siren7- mv codec_siren7- /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ rm -rf codec_siren7* rm -f bench*
siren 14
As with siren7 you need to download the appropriate benchmark application for siren14 and then the required codec. for my installation it once again recommended the barcelona codec. wget tar xvzf codec_siren14- mv codec_siren14- /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
load the new modules
To load the new modules into Asteirsk you can either restart or
module load module load <pre> To test type in: <pre> core show translation