Dynamic DNS inadyn
From KlavoWiki
INADYN is a dynamic DNS client. That is, it maintains the IP address of a host name. It periodically checks whether the IP address stored by the DNS server is the real current address of the machine that is running INADYN.
apt-get install inadyn
yum install inadyn
From Source
apt-get install libao-dev
cd /usr/src wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/inadyn-mt/files/latest/download -O inadyn-latest.tar.gz tar xvf inadyn-latest.tar.gz cd inadyn-mt.v.02.24.47 ./configure make check make make install cp bin/linux/inadyn /usr/sbin/
vi /etc/inadyn.conf
--username myemail@address.com --password thisismypassword --update_period 43200 --forced_update_period 86400 --alias myname.domain.name,Serial_Key_for_Domain_Name --background --dyndns_system default@freedns.afraid.org
Start Application
add line to /etc/rc.local to start at boot.
Create the following entry in rc.local to activate at start up.
vi /etc/rc.local
add the line
inadyn --background -u username -p password -a domain.homeip.net
Create the following entry in rc.local to activate at start up.
vi /etc/rc.local
add the line
/usr/sbin/inadyn --background --dyndns_system custom@http_svr_basic_auth --dyndns_server_name update.dns2go.com:80 --dyndns_server_url /update.aspx?inadyn=001122-AABBAAFF-RRDDG-225577* --alias mydomain.dns2go.com --ip_server_name update.dns2go.com:80 /ipcheck.aspx
- Replace 001122-AABBAAFF-RRDDG-225577 with your key.
- Reaplce mydomain.dns2go.com with your dynamic domain name