CDR Analyser: Difference between revisions

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David (talk | contribs)
New page: [ Asterisk-Stat] : CDR Analyser is a PHP WEB application allowing you to view CDR details and do custom searches. Let's start by installing...
David (talk | contribs)
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service httpd start
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig httpd on
yum install php php-mysql
yum install php php-gd php-mysql

Revision as of 01:14, 10 October 2008

Asterisk-Stat : CDR Analyser is a PHP WEB application allowing you to view CDR details and do custom searches.

Let's start by installing all the prerequiste programs and tools.

Add indexing to some fields for the Asterisk Databse.
Replace asterisk-cdr with your databse name and replace cdr with your table name.

use asteirsk-cdr
ALTER TABLE `cdr` ADD INDEX ( `dst` );
ALTER TABLE `cdr` ADD INDEX ( `accountcode` );

Install WEB services and PHP.

yum install httpd
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on
yum install php php-gd php-mysql

Download and extract Asterisk-Stat

cd /var/www/html
tar xvzf asterisk-stat-v2_0_1.tar.gz
mv asterisk-stat-v2/ cdr/

Edit the configuration file.

vi /var/www/html/cdr/lib/defines.php

Change the first to define statements to suite

define ("WEBROOT", "");
define ("FSROOT", "/var/www/html/cdr/");

Change the databse connection details

define ("HOST", "localhost");
define ("PORT", "5432");
define ("USER", "username");
define ("PASS", "password");
define ("DBNAME", "asteirsk-cdr");
define ("DB_TYPE", "mysql"); // mysql or postgres

Change the table name if required

define ("DB_TABLENAME", "cdr");