Minecarft Server Install on Debian: Difference between revisions

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David (talk | contribs)
David (talk | contribs)
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<font color=red size="6">This document is deprecated.</font>
Refer to [https://github.com/sandain/MinecraftServerControlScript MinecraftServerControlScript] for more specific information.
Refer to [https://github.com/sandain/MinecraftServerControlScript MinecraftServerControlScript] for more specific information.

Revision as of 01:42, 21 March 2021

This document is deprecated.

Refer to MinecraftServerControlScript for more specific information.


sudo apt-get -y install make vim git default-jre perl python wget rdiff-backup socat

Overviewer Installation

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following line

deb http://overviewer.org/debian ./
sudo wget -O - http://overviewer.org/debian/overviewer.gpg.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install minecraft-overviewer

Minecarft Server Script Install

cd /usr/src
sudo git clone https://github.com/sandain/MinecraftServerControlScript.git
cd MinecraftServerControlScript
sudo make
sudo make install

NOTE: As of 2015-09-05 when I tried to install the current branch mscs keep failing with missing files. Cloning a previous branch fixed this problem.

sudo git clone -b version-15.08 https://github.com/sandain/MinecraftServerControlScript.git

World Locations

cd /opt/mscs/worlds


sudo mscs start
sudo mscs stop
sudo mscs add myworld 25565
sudo mscs add mysecond 25566
sudo mscs delete mysecond 
sudo mscs backup world
sudo mscs list-backups world
sudo mscs restore-backup world 2015-08-21T20:19:06+10:00
sudo mscs console world



wget https://tcpr.ca/files/craftbukkit/craftbukkit-latest.jar -O /opt/mscs/server/craftbukkit.jar
chown minecraft:minecraft /opt/mscs/server/craftbukkit.jar

Change directly to the world that you would like to enable plugins.

vi mscs.properties

add the following line

mscs-server-command=$JAVA -jar $SERVER_LOCATION/craftbukkit.jar

Download and copy your plugins to the required folder and change owner permissions.

cd /opt/mscs/worlds/default/plugins
wget http://addons-origin.cursecdn.com/files/880/435/worldedit-bukkit-6.1.jar
chown minecraft:minecraft worldedit-bukkit-6.1.jar



For a specific Server version


Server Downloads


Save to folder:


As an example rename server.jar to minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar