Observium Monitoring Asterisk

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Revision as of 04:29, 12 February 2014 by David (talk | contribs)
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Install xinetd

yum -y install xinetd
service xinetd start

xinetd config

vi /etc/xinetd.d/observium_agent

Add the following to the content

service app-asterisk
        type           = UNLISTED
        port           = 36602
        socket_type    = stream
        protocol       = tcp
        wait           = no
        user           = root
        server         = /usr/bin/observium_agent/asterisk

        # configure the IPv[4|6] address(es) of your Observium server here:
        only_from      =

        # Don't be too verbose. Don't log every check. This might be
        # commented out for debugging. If this option is commented out
        # the default options will be used for this service.
        log_on_success =

        disable        = no

xinetd script

mkdir /usr/bin/observium_agent
vi /usr/bin/observium_agent/asterisk

Add the following to the file


####### Asterisk Telephony Server
if [ -a /usr/sbin/asterisk ]
  echo '<<<app-asterisk>>>'
  ACTIVECHAN=$(asterisk -rx 'core show channels' | grep 'active channels' |  cut -d' ' -f1)
  ACTIVECALL=$(asterisk -rx 'core show channels' | grep 'active call' |  cut -d' ' -f1)
  IAXCHANNELS=$(asterisk -rx 'iax2 show channels' | grep active |  cut -d' ' -f1)
  SIPCHANNELS=$(asterisk -rx 'sip show channels' | grep active |  cut -d' ' -f1)
  SIPTOTALPEERS=$(asterisk -rx 'sip show peers' | grep 'sip peers' | cut -d' ' -f1)
  SIPONLINE=$(asterisk -rx 'sip show peers' |  grep -o '[0-9]* online' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1)
  IAXTOTALPEERS=$(asterisk -rx 'iax2 show peers' | grep 'iax2 peers' | cut -d' ' -f1)
  IAXONLINE=$(asterisk -rx 'iax2 show peers' |  grep -o '[0-9]* online' | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f1)

  echo "activechan:$ACTIVECHAN"
  echo "activecall:$ACTIVECALL"
  echo "iaxchannels:$IAXCHANNELS"
  echo "sipchannels:$SIPCHANNELS"
  echo "sippeers:$SIPTOTALPEERS"
  echo "sippeersonline:$SIPONLINE"
  echo "iaxpeers:$IAXTOTALPEERS"
  echo "iaxpeersonline:$IAXONLINE"


Make the asterisk script executable

chmod +x /usr/bin/observium_agent/asterisk


One the Observium server.

  1. Select the server in question.
  2. Once the Server is select, click on Settings.
  3. Choose Application and select Asterisk as Yes, and save changes.
  4. Select Poller Modules and enable unix-agent